Harlingen General Cemetery
Harlingen General Cemetery contains a plot of 67 Commonwealth graves of the Second World War, of which 22 unidentified. There are also 4 unidentified graves with a different nationality. The majority of the graves are from Allied crew members.
Rear Gunner F/S James McDowell is the only crew member of Lancaster AJ-K who is buried in this cemetery, the other six crew members are missing and commemorated in England, their names are engraved into the stone walls of the Runnymede Air Forces Memorial.
Harlingen General Cemetery is located north of the Afsluitdijk at the Begraafplaatslaan in Harlingen. The cemetery is 28.5 kilometres west of Leeuwarden, from the direction of the Afsluitdijk (Zurich) is approximately 12.7 kilometres. The World War II Commonwealth plot is located to the left of the Columbarium.
© 2018 - 2025   617 Sqn-namf
P/O V.W. Byers (RCAF)
Runnymede Memorial
Flight Engineer
Sgt  A.J. Taylor
Runnymede Memorial
F/O J.H. Warner
Runnymede Memorial
Wireless Operator
Sgt  J. Wilkinson
Runnymede Memorial
Bomb Aimer
P/O A.N. Whitaker
Runnymede Memorial
Front Gunner
Sgt  C. McA. Jarvie
Runnymede Memorial
Rear Gunner
F/S J. McDowell (RCAF)
Plot E- Row 4- Grave 11

16/17 May 1943 - German Ruhr dams, Lancaster ED934 / AJ-K
The 617 Squadron Netherlands Aircrew Memorial Foundation